Love our products? Got pictures? We love hearing about how Olewo products have helped, and would love if you'd submit a testimonial.
A Simple Solution for Iggy's Loose Stools
Kathy & Iggy
Chester, NJ - June 2023
“I have had German Shepherds my whole life and several of them have had GI issues, including EPI. I adopted Iggy from the Guide Dog School when he was around 16 months. They terminated his training and released him from the program due to loose stools. His stools were the consistency of a "cow-plop". It was clear he wasn't digesting properly since he was rather thin. The Guide Dog School did several TLI tests on him to determine if he had EPI, and he did not. Given that I was used to German Shepherds having GI issues, I tried all my usual tricks: pumpkin, enzymes, single-source foods, etc. Nothing seemed to work for him. So, I reached out to Greyhound people since I knew Greyhounds have sensitive stomachs. They recommended the Olewo Carrots. After one dosage, Iggy had the best poops in the house. He also started gaining weight and having a beautiful coat. Iggy is almost 9 years old now and gets his carrots every meal. It works for him!”
I discovered Olewo on GreyTalk and I am glad I did!
Janice Brinegar
Oak Lawn, IL
"I discovered Olewo on GreyTalk, a website for lovers of retired racing Greyhounds, and saw that a number of people tried the all-natural Olewo Carrots, and everyone who did, had good success in quickly and naturally eliminating the "soft poop" issue that many Greyhounds seem to have a problem with. Not only did the people report that the poops of their hounds firmed up quickly, they also reported seeing softer and shinier coats in just a short amount of time, and quickly became fans of Olewo. I had just adopted Carter who graduated from the Greyhound Inmate Experience program and he was having trouble with very soft poops. I was excited to give Olewo Carrots a try. With Carter it took a little longer to see the results, but it worked!! My other Greyhound Luka typically did not have any poop issues, but his poops are even better now and both my dogs have incredible soft any shiny coats. I also added Olewo Red Beets to the mix and they love it! I have been promoting Olewo dehydrated vegetables for dogs at our adoption meet & greets, and I am glad to share these wonderful products with dog parents."
Two Frenchies love their Olewo Carrots!
Terri Rock
Eastern Washington - May 2023
" I am the mom of two Frenchies. Piper was adopted at age two and when she arrived, her pooh was very soft. After about a month, I switched out the food she had been eating when she arrived (I didn't care for it) and was hopeful that would do the trick, but it didn't. She still had soft pooh after switching her to the same food her brother ate. I then remembered that I fed Olewo Carrots to past dogs and decided to try it again. Within two feedings her pooh started to firm up! She is now on 1 teaspoon with each meal and her pooh is perfect! Her Brother Jaxon, who is a picky eater, is also on 1 teaspoon a day and he loves it! We are 3/4 through our first small bag and I have already ordered a larger one as I never want to run out. They both love their carrots, and they work ... what else could a mom ask for!!"
As a Breeder I value Olewo Carrots for great health of our dogs, firm stools, and amazing coat
Hans and Kathy Buflod
Buflod German Shepherds - October 2018
"At Buflod German Shepherds we have been using Olewo Carrots for many years with wonderful results. Olewo adds the fiber that helps keep stools firm, is a great source of natural vitamins, and enhances the pigment and coat color. By adding Olewo to every meal, we can adjust the amount of regular food each dog receives depending on their individual needs. I remember long time ago, when I traveled with my dogs to the very first training class to become a dog trainer. All the dogs in the class had diarrhea because it was a stressful situation for them. It was bad, and all the dog owners thought they would need to go see a veterinarian to get their dogs' diarrhea treated. That's when I pulled out a bag of Olewo Carrots, which Kathy sent with me to have on hand for our dogs. They all looked at the carrot pellets and said: "What's that, rabbit food?" I said: "No, those are Olewo Carrots!". I explained that it is a German product that is great for a dog's health and the best, natural cure for dog diarrhea. I shared my Olewo Carrots and the next day none of the dogs had diarrhea anymore. No visits to the vet necessary. We recommend Olewo to all our puppy and training clients."
Olewo Carrots - The missing link in Ian's raw diet
Angel Wong
Las Vegas, NV - March 2021
" Our 3 year old Standard Poodle Ian has always been raw fed with the best possible ingredients, but he will have GI issues off and on. It has been fairly well controlled with gut restoration FMT capsules until this past Christmas when he started vomiting and then developed loose stools. His vet thinks he has CE/IBD based on some test results. He got better with some medications, but I wanted to search for a more natural way to help him. Upon doing more research, I decided to try Olewo Carrots. It has been really helpful! His stools have been normal and I think it has helped to keep him feeling well without any medications. The fiber and pectin in carrots are beneficial to gut health. Fiber was missing in his raw diet but not anymore with the help of Olewo Carrots. Thank you for making this product available for our fur kids!"
Olewo Carrots - Amazing, began to work almost immediately!
Cindy Martina
Fountain Valley, CA - October 2020
" In July we adopted a four-year-old Belgian Malinois, Luke. We had lost an 11-year-old beautiful boy in June, and he left his sister behind. We did not want her to be lonely! And while we’ve never had a Belgian Malinois, we’ve also never had a dog with stool problems like him - like all the time, constant diarrhea! We tried changing his diet and nothing worked. We had lab work done to try to determine the cause and nothing could be figured out. I think it was me searching “diarrhea problems” on the Chewy website that led me to this product, the Olewo Dehydrated Carrots. It is amazing! It began to work almost immediately and 95% of his bowel movements are perfect now! We are very grateful for this product!"
Olewo Carrots are a miracle worker for my dog's digestion!
Elyse Diane
Florida - September 2020
" Our 11-pound, 11-year old female Coton de Tulear developed bloody colitis almost 6 months ago. Our vet ran the Texas A&M panel, but nothing showed up that could explain it. I tried every holistic treatment I knew of including slippery elm, homeopathy etc. Then we followed the vet's instructions to give her a small dose of Tylan powder antibiotic daily. It stopped her diarrhea but I hated giving her this. We are getting a puppy and the breeder, who has great experience and great results with raising healthy puppies, recommended the Olewo carrots. Although I was skeptical how carrots could cure diarrhea, I gave it a try. After the first day, our baby had improved and no longer had abnormal stools. Even more amazing, she adores the taste. She is the pickiest eater ever, so I don't put it in her food, but feed it on a spoon and she can't wait for the next spoonful to reach her mouth and then licks the floor. I cannot recommend this product highly enough. It is a miracle worker for my dog’s digestion! Thank you for this amazing product."
Any dog I ever own will be an Olewo dog!
Charlene Potts & Grey, Pittsburgh, PA
"If there's one product in my dog's life that I will forever shout from the rooftops about, it's Olewo Carrots! I've been buying the carrots for nearly 10 years, and Olewo has a forever customer in me! My first Great Dane, Emmet, had digestive issues as a puppy that I struggled with for months. After a friend recommended the carrots to me, I added them to Emmet's diet and saw an immediate and noticeable change! After losing Emmet at 9.5 years old, I brought home a new puppy, Grey. I didn't even wait to see if the Olewo Carrots would be "necessary" for him - I just added them to his diet the day he arrived. I've seen the benefits of this product firsthand for so long, it's a no-brainer that any dog I ever own will be an Olewo dog! I've recommended these to literally hundreds of dog owners over the years - if you're trying to decide if they're worth buying, there is no question!"
Olewo Carrots & Rootsies Food Topper helped Rocco's sensitive GI tract
Jennifer Rotella
Johnston, RI - December 2020
"Rocco is a German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd mix, so he has a pretty sensitive GI tract. He would get diarrhea frequently for what seemed like no reason at all and I was at my wits end with what to do, but I knew something just wasn’t right. I searched for information online and stumbled across a blog and the person talked about Olewo Carrots and how they completely changed things for her dog, so I looked into them and figured it was worth a try. I ordered the carrots and they helped by the second serving. When I saw Rootsies and how they help calm the digestive tract, I had to try those too. I couldn’t be happier with both products and I’m so thankful that you produce these great, natural products. It’s so nice to give Rocco something that isn’t full of chemicals or medicines, just good nutrients from real food, prepared in a way dogs can digest. It has really helped Rocco a lot!"
Finn and Olewo Carrots - his amazing life saving story
Evie Jaeckle & Finn
Thompson's Station, TN - September 2020
"My Dachshund, Finn, has always had stomach issues. From bowel obstructions, chronic inflammation of the hind gut, and even internal bleeding! Only 3 years old. 2 visits to the hospital and the 3rd one was the worst. Stomach scopes, ultra sounds, X-rays, MRIs, and countless tests...my baby was in the hospital due to uncontrollable vomiting and internal bleeding. After getting released from the hospital, I immediately went online looking for something that would cure his digestive tract issues naturally. I read an article about a dog who had the same issues as Finn and the owner swore by these carrots, these "magic" carrots. Well, I thought, let's try these.
After countless types of dog foods, endless pills, and many visits to the vet... I found my perfect solution with a simple Google search when I found Olewo Carrots. Finn LOVES these carrots. Licks the bowl clean and this dog is the pickiest eater. After only 2 days of being on Olewo Carrots, Finn stopped vomiting, started to play with his toys, and had NO stomach issues!!! No signs of discomfort, regular bowel movements, and NO vomiting! These carrots are Finn's life saver, literally, from almost going into surgery to running through the field in less than 2 days. Finn has not had a stomach issues since. His last visit to the vet was 4 months ago. I'm ecstatic, to say the least!!!! THANK YOU OLEWO!"
Nova has no more"allergy ears" and itchy skin thanks to Olewo Red Beets
Jess Hoyt
Grampian, PA -April 2020
"This is Nova my 5 year old Golden retriever! She has suffered with allergies for years. She always had what my vet called "allergy ears", red and waxy as well as itchy skin. She was constantly digging! I read about Olewo red beets from a fellow Golden retriever owner and loved that it was a natural, safe remedy. I ordered a bag immediately and within two weeks her ears are the best they have ever been and she stopped to itch every five minutes! I cannot thank you enough for making a healthy product that actually works! We cant wait to try the Carrots for my males sensitive stomach!!!!"
When prescription food didn't resolve loose stools, Olewo Carrots came to the rescue!
Pam Caster
Sierra Vista, AZ - September 2019
"Charley my 11 mo puppy has had gi issues since we got her at 4 mo. She had coccidia and giardia which since cleared but she has continued to have loose stools. A consultation with an IMS revealed food allergies or IBD and she was put on prescription food but continued to have loose stools a few days a week. I read about your carrots on an IBD dog forum and thought at least she might eat her prescription food better, since she didn't really like it. When I put her food down with the Olewo Carrots in it, she gobbled it down. She has been on the Olewo Carrots for a week now with firm, healthy stools. I am so pleased and and want to thank you for this amazing product."
Feeding Chunk Olewo Carrots is the most important thing I do for him each day!
Michael Howell
Fairfield, CT - July 2019
" I have an English bulldog named Chunk (age 10 1/2 years). He doesn't look much different today than he did 8 years ago. Not only does he look much younger than he actually is, he acts like he's still a puppy. When I bump into people they cannot believe that he is well into his 10th year. I totally attribute his good health to the fact that I've been feeding him Olewo Carrots since he was a puppy. He poops like 5 times a day and he has not had a single stomach issue his entire life. Also, I have not fed him once without supplementing his food with Olewo Carrots. Far and away, I consider feeding him your carrots to be the most important thing I do for him each day. Btw, he loves the taste. Thank you for making such a product. In a veritable sea of ineffectual pet products, Olewo Carrots certainly stands out."
We were able to stop all allergy meds with our St Bernard dogs
C Janel Croy
Mesa, Ca - December 2018
"We feed our dogs both the Olewo Red Beets and the Olewo Carrots and have been doing so for almost 3 years. Never have our dogs been so healthy! We were able to stop all allergy meds on our St Bernard dogs and go back to our original grain free dog kibble, saving a ton of money. Also helps the dogs to feel fuller each meal helping to maintain healthy weight without the dogs feeling slighted. Give it some time to work into their system as I feel these products have been a life saver."
As a Breeder I recommend Olewo Carrots to all my puppy buyers
Jenny Mott
San Tan Valley, AZ - January 2019
Mott Ranch - Blazin' Sun Aussies
"As a dog breeder of Australian Shepherds I have always tried feeding and supplementing my puppies and dogs with the best products I could find. For years I struggled with their digestive issues and loose stools. I tried different foods and supplements. Nothing seemed to work. One day as I was searching for products on the Internet and came across Olewo Carrots. I read the many wonderful reviews and decided to try it. I am so glad I did. Within a couple of days of feeding the carrots there was a huge difference in their stools, they all firmed up. Not only have they firmed up my dogs’ stools and helped their digestive issues, but also they have improved their skin and coat. Thank you for such a wonderful product. I recommend Olewo Carrots to all my puppy buyers a few weeks before they pick up their puppy from me. I can highly recommend this product to everyone. It works!"
Olewo Carrots have been a game changer for my dog!
Lydia and Nina
Minneapolis, MN - September 2018
"Olewo Carrots have been a game changer for my dog. I only found them a couple of weeks ago through a homeopathic vet’s web page. Nina had severe diarrhea after anesthesia for teeth cleaning. Plus, overall gut issues since I rescued her. She’s 9. After using the Olewo Carrots for three days, she’s had perfectly formed poops and they don’t smell! I wish I had found Olewo products sooner. I am completely holistic with my dog and this product works and it’s very affordable. I have ordered the Olewo Red Beets and can’t wait to start Nina on those. Thanks for a great product!
Olewo Carrots - Holy Mackerel this stuff is a miracle in a bag!
Lyse M. Gunderson
September 14, 2018
"Holy mackerel this stuff is a miracle in a bag. I switched my puppy onto a higher grade food and she had a bit of the runs, which stopped in the very next feeding after mixing a little bit of Olewo Carrots in the food. She loved the carrots too. She even likes them alone. My neighbor's standard poodle pup had really bad worms and the treatment gave her liquid diarrhea, so I gave my neighbors a little bit of Olewo Carrots in a baggie...it worked wonders. I don't know how they came up with the idea behind this stuff but boy does it work and it's a one ingredient, natural cure for the trots!!!!
Camillo loves his Olewo Red Beets Wet or Dry!
Claudia Franklin
West Simsbury, CT
"I found Olewo Red Beets when I was searching for a remedy for my Swissy's soft stools and anal gland issues. When looking at the testimonials, I noticed that there are also Olewo Red Beets for Horses, so I thought this could be a nice product for both. As you can see, Camillo, my horse laps them up wet or dry. His coat was not in bad condition, but it is dark and shiny now. It also appears to help with his allergies - he has very sensitive skin and the bugs love him. He will often get hives or very large bumps from insect bites. I found this to be less of a problem since feeding Olewo Red Beets. I rehydrate enough to make about a pint, and feed it to him after his workouts. I know it is pure and healthy and so GOOD FOR HIM."
Almost immediately we saw a difference in Luke’s stools and no more gas!
Liz Brown
Ontario, Canada
"We adopted Luke, a retired greyhound, just over 3 years ago. We tried him on numerous different kibble foods and raw food, but he always had very soft stools and diarrhea. We tried him on grain free, limited ingredients, high protein and low protein diets; you name it we tried it but nothing worked until we discovered Olewo Carrots. Almost immediately we saw a difference in his stool and no more gas! Luke has been on Olewo Carrots for over 2 years now and we don't know what we would do without them. He likes the taste of the carrots and his fur is silky soft."
We find Olewo to be the perfect compliment our dogs' raw diet
Erin McWilliams - Twin Peaks GSMD…Naturally!
Rockaway, NJ
"Olewo has been invaluable in our quest to offer our dogs a healthy, nutritional and beneficial diet. As long time owners and breeders of Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs, we know first hand what it takes to ensure our dogs are up to their full potentials. Our dogs consistently rank in the upper levels of the AKC conformation standings. Olewo Carrots not only help make our dogs healthy and vibrant, but also add lushness to their coats and skin. Olewo Red Beets help keep their weight at optimal levels. We feed only a raw, natural diet to all of our dogs and our litters, and have been doing so for 4 generations! We find Olewo Carrots and Olewo Red Beets to be a perfect compliment to our raw diet, adding beneficial nutrients, vitamins, and most importantly fiber. Thank you for such a fantastic product!"
Once I added Olewo Red Beets to my Pug's diet, her skin issues subsided.
Cheryl Tuttle, Bradenton, FL
Last Paw Dog Training
"I was first introduced to Olewo Carrots 6 or 7 years ago when one of my dogs had diarrhea. A friend of mine recommended the product and it worked so well in regulating my dog's stools that I always kept a bag in the cabinet. Not until years later when I spoke to an Olewo representative did I learn about the health benefits of Olewo Red Beets, and I started adding the supplement to my Pug's diet. Mercedes was suffering from severe environmental allergies and also had a yeast infection that affected her skin. She received medication every day, but it was not helping. Once I added Olewo Red Beets to her diet, her skin issues subsided. Using the red beet supplement of course doesn’t stop the allergen that Mercedes keeps getting exposed to, but it significantly reduces the inflammation and provides relief. I love Olewo products and highly recommend them because they are both safe and very effective.
It's no "secret" that Olewo really works!
Tara Campbell
Ontario, CANADA
"I discovered Olewo Carrots a few years back after Marker, our retired Greyhound, came down with a severe case of Gastroenteritis, requiring hospitilization to receive meds via IV for several days. When she was released from the vets she was sent home with a special prescription gastro diet that was supposed to help get her digestion back on track. It was expensive and did nothing to curb the diarrhea. Our pooch was literally painting the sidewalks brown on each walk, it was pretty nasty. We then tried adding (again expensive) prescription probiotics to the food with no avail. While trolling a Greyhound breed specific forum on the subject of dealing with the "Big D", I came across several threads about the wonders of Olewo Carrots. So I ordered up a bag and was SO glad I did because within 3 days of feeding the carrots there was a BIG improvement in stool quality. Firmed them right up, they could roll down a hill, ha ha! We then continued to supplement her regular diet with the carrots after her recovery. Not only did it help to keep her touchy digestion on track, within weeks we discovered another bonus: Olewo Carrots also improved her skin & coat! Even people who pet her always comment on her silky fur, asking "what's your secret?" Well, it's no "secret" that Olewo really works! Thanks for making such a great (and affordable) product!"
TMI Alert: No more anal gland issues!
Carly - Chewy.com Buyer
October 21, 2018
"Don't let my boy's handsome looks fool you- he is quite capable of being DISGUSTING! He has had a SERIOUS anal gland issue, "fishing" as I call it… Just constantly releasing, when he barks... when he's excited… when he's scared. Every single day I was having to pull out the wet wipes to chase him down and wipe his stinky foul smelling fishy bum! Searching high and low for an answer, I stumbled upon the importance of some extra insoluble fiber in aiding him to release his anal glands naturally while pooping. THIS IS MY SOLUTION! He "fishes" once a month tops now, when it used to be an everyday, sometimes multiple times a day! This has also helped my girl dog who has GI issues finally have firm stool. She was always back and forth completely at random with how soft her poop would be, even with probiotics and a healthy diet that suited her perfectly. This was the ideal addition to have her consistently pooping firm and easily. We tried pumpkin previously and it just gave them worse stools. This is a necessity!! 10/10 recommend to those whose dogs have anal gland issues or the occasional soft poops! :)"
No more steroids for BoBo! Choosing Olewo Red Beets was the best decision I ever made for him.
Jeanneen Terry
Herrin, IL
"This is my pit bull/whatever mix, BoBo. He suffers from allergies and would periodically break out with hot spots and constant, annoying scratching. I had no choice but to succumb to prescription steroids for his comfort and my sanity. But with the side effects of prescription meds, I did not want to continue with those, and decided to try something natural. As you know, trying to gain knowledge from reading on the internet, everybody's opinion, it can be mind boggling. I have to admit, I don't know what made me choose Olewo Red Beets. I think I just said to myself: Pick something and try it. It was the best decision I ever made for him. I made that decision about a month prior to this picture because he had a break-out all over his face, with only little spots of hair here and there, flakes of dry skin falling off, his ears inflamed, and sores from scratching. Unfortunately, I wasn't snapping pictures of him then so you could see for yourself. But this is what he looked like after about a month of Olewo Red Beets. Now, I must say I was loyal to the deed of making sure he received them every day. I didn't expect him to magically recover overnight, or just to remember to give them to him now and then. I was insistent about it and knew if this didn't work, it would be back to steroids. I stuck with it, and we haven't had any major break-outs for a little over a year, and his black coat is so shiny. BoBo and I say, YAY FOR OLEWO RED BEET ROOTS!"
Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Beets!!!! Many meds, sprays, creams and vet visits did not help.
Julianne Wiseman - Amazon Buyer
April 28, 2017
"I cannot recommend Olewo Red Beets ENOUGH!!! I have a rescue dog that developed several hot spots along with generalized itching to the point his inside hind legs were always red and his coat was poor. Many meds, sprays, creams and vet visits did not help. Started the BEETS!!! after a friend told me about the product and within a week he was better and after 2 weeks no more scratching and healing hot spots! Now after about 6 months his coat is gorgeous and I have had no issues. I began to give it to all my dogs and my older girl--11+ with associated arthritis began moving like she was 5 again so the anti-inflammatory aspect of these work wonderfully for arthritis too!!"
We tried pumpkin, yogurt, wormer and probiotics - but nothing helped our puppy's diarrhea.
Catherine Henry
Depoe Bay, OR
"We've had our AKC Basset puppy for 2 1/2 months since he was 11 weeks old and he's had diarrhea off and on the entire time. We tried pumpkin, yogurt, wormer, probiotics, and everything else we could think of. Nothing worked. The Vet said there was nothing wrong with him … but he had runny stools at some time every day. The day after we fed him Olewo Carrots (1 tbsp), he had the first solid stools all day since we had him! And he has had solid stools ever since. We've been rehydrating the carrots with chicken broth, and he doesn't leave his bowl at all. Molly, our 6 year old blue heeler gets Olewo Carrots as well and she's in the best health of her life now. AMAZING PRODUCT!"
The only thing that's helped our Boxer with tummy troubles
Erin Griffin - Amazon Buyer
July 16, 2017
"We have tried everything for our Boxer. We rescued him from a shelter in 2013. He came with skin problems and terrible tummy troubles. After changing his food his skin problem (folliculitis) seemed to clear up, but his stool was still soft and his tummy gurgled. We changed his food again a few months ago to a hydrolyzed dog food that didn't seem to help much either. I don't know how I stumbled down the rabbit hole to find this stuff, but it is LIFE CHANGING. He has been on it 2 weeks and for the first time in 4 years, he has solid stool. His stomach doesn't seem to bother him at all, and a plus side effect, his fur is beautiful. My husband was completely skeptical when I told him I ordered Winston carrots, but he's totally in agreement that this will be part of his diet forever."
Olewo Carrots solved a digestive issue within 48 hours that we dealt with for 9 years!
Julie MacGregor
Prospect Heights, IL
"For many years I have struggled with my Greyhounds' digestive issues and loose stools. I tried different foods, but since none of the foods made a difference, I started feeding meals consisting of half raw and half cooked proteins with added organ meats, vegetables and bone meal. I feel good about the food I am now feeding compared to commercial dog food, however, I was still dealing with the poop issue. A friend then told me that she discovered Olewo all-natural carrot and red beet supplements on Greytalk, a website for lovers of retired Greyhounds. Within only 48 hours of starting Olewo Carrots, Riley's poop was firm and normal - he is the one that had the biggest issue. I also feed Olewo Red Beets to Riley and Baby. These products are too good not to share, and most would probably not believe it unless they actually tried it with their hounds."
I am so thrilled, words cannot tell you how grateful I am for this amazing miracle!
Audrey Young - Noir & Blanc Border Collies
Pinon Hills, CA
"I just want youth know, I have had so many problems with my dogs here at Noir & Blanc Border Collies. They have had issues with diarrhea since they were born. They have gone to my Vet and been put on all kinds of medications to control this problem. It works for a little while but then it comes back. I have been so frustrated trying to help them with this. I could not get any weight on them either. I have changed dog food many times over the past year, to no avail either. Well, after doing more research online, I came across your Olewo website. I decided to give it a try. I have been feeding the Olewo Carrots for the past two weeks or so, and I cannot tell you what a joy it is for me to be writing to you about the outcome…no more diarrhea, and we have weight gain also. The dogs are looking and acting so much better. I am so thrilled, words cannot tell you how grateful I am to you for this amazing miracle! I will always feed it to my babies. Thank you so much."
No more steroid injections for Bentley!
Jessica Anderson - Happy Hounds Pet Sitting and Grooming
Bradenton, FL
"My Beagle, Bentley, was suffering from severe environmental allergies. To alleviate the dog's extreme discomfort, his Vet prescribed steroid injections, which Bentley received every 4 to 5 weeks for nearly 18 months. When I spoke to Heike Caspary at Four Paws Doggie Day Camp, she introduced me to Olewo pet food supplements. I immediately started adding Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots to Bentley's daily meals, and within 2 weeks his itching subsided. By the end of the month, all of the symptoms of his skin allergies were completely gone. Olewo has worked miracles with Bentley, and I truly believe they are great products. I wish I had known of Olewo before Bentley received all those steroid injections."
Thank you for an amazing product that makes my boy's life so much better!
Charlene Potts
Aliquippa, PA
"Emmet the Great Dane has IBD and when raw food solved "most" but not all of his issues, someone recommended Olewo Carrots to me. The nutrients in them help promote healthy digestion. Emmet was constipated some days with diarrhea on other days; he had no regular poop schedule. I made the mistake of running out once and we were without Olewo Carrots for 2+ weeks. I was never more grateful to receive an Amazon package, and I have never been more impressed with a product. I know that Olewo Carrots made a huge difference in my Great Dane's digestive system, but since starting them 2 years ago, he has never been without them. BOY, have I realized how much he really does "need" them. He has been so irregular during the time we were out, and I was SO glad when our carrots came in to get him back on track. We will never run out again! Thank you for an amazing product that makes my boy's life so much better."
Chronic loose stool resolved within 2 days of feeding Olewo Carrots.
Mary Linington Curry
Nova Scotia, CANADA
"Over two years ago I had a young boxer puppy that had chronic loose stool - it would look like it was partially formed but you couldn't pick it up easily, and occasionally his stool would have no form at all. I heard about Olewo Carrots from reading online and when I went to the website, I liked what I saw. So I decided I had nothing to loose and tried the Olewo Carrots. Within two days Curtis's stool was 100% formed and easily picked up. I decided to add the Olewo Carrots to his raw food and dehydrated vegetable/fruit diet twice daily, as well as adding it to my older Border Collie's same diet. Both dogs inhale their food and I have never regretted my decision."
Olewo Red Beets gave my Poodle Relief from Itching!
Momto2 - Amazon Buyer
May 28, 2015
"My poodle was pulling the hair out of his legs because he was so itchy, nothing was helping, not even antihistamines. A friend recommended I try the Olewo Red Beets and the rest is history. He quit biting himself, his hair has grown in lush and beautiful and he is comfortable. We only need to add half a teaspoon to his food since he's only 7 pounds so a one pound bag goes a long way. Our vet was very impressed and said to continue doing what we're doing, as it obviously is working very well and the beets are healthy. I've even started adding them to our other poodle's food as he was always licking his paws and discoloring his white coat. The licking has stopped and he is back to a beautiful white color again. We love this product and highly recommend it to anyone with a dog that has itchy skin."
Even after switching Chance to a raw diet, his poop remained white, dry and brittle
Tina Brooks
Homosassa, FL
"This is Chance at his birthday celebration last year … this is the boy we rescued in August of 2012. The family who had him said he was 8 years old. He has diabetes, but it's under control and his sugars are very steady. When he arrived, his poop was always white and dry, and it would literally crumble when it fell to the ground. I started chance on Nutrisca when he arrived, and within a year, I switched him to a 100% raw diet. Even then, his poop remained the same … white and dry and brittle. When I added Olewo Carrots to all four of my labs' diet, straight away, Chance's poop turned to "normal", firm and moist. He has NEVER had a dry stool since I added the carrots to his diet two years ago."
If you love this breed as much as I do, you owe it to your dogs to add Olewo to their diet!
David Ritter
Loves Park, IL
"When my two GSDs Quendy & Brisko were young, I struggled getting them a good diet that would work with their sensitive digestive system that most German Shepherds have. Then I found Olewo Carrots. No more problems and they are extremely healthy! Great skin & coat, no more rashes or allergies, and no more digestive problems period! Their coats are so intense and smooth. Anyone with this breed who loves them as much as I do, owes it to their dogs to add Olewo to their diet!"
Thank you Olewo for giving me my dog back, and truly better than she has ever been!
Judy Thomas
Shushan, NY
"I heard about Olewo from one of my dog's Vets. I had fed Cricket a new senior dry food from Blue Buffalo. It gave her severe gas and diarrhea. She was on very strong antibiotics and other meds to get well again. However, she never got back to the point before the Blue Buffalo food making her so sick. Her stool was still soft and kept her anal glands full to where she could not keep them cleaned herself. I put her on a new senior dog food from Innova, the same brand she had eaten all her life. I fed the food a few weeks prior to the carrots, and it did help her health get better. Then I found Olewo Carrots and bought a bag. In only 2 days, I saw a difference in her stool getting harder. By week 2, I had a dog that wanted to eat her food and cleaned it all up fast! She loved it! Even better, I had a new dog! She acted 2-4 years younger and had a new spring in her step. Never had her stool been this solid and perfect. Her coat shined and there was less shedding. I am telling everyone who has a dog and will listen about these carrots. Never before have I been excited to talk about stools and I am so pleased to do so! Sounds crazy, I know. But when you see your 4-legged daughter go from being so sick to getting better, and THEN acting younger, you just HAVE to tell people! Thank you Olewo for giving me my dog back, and truly better than she has ever been."
I credit Olewo with the vibrant health and glorious coat that our Champion Irish Setters are famous for.
Marjorie Arnett
Dunnellon, Florida
"I would like to thank Olewo for their products, both the carrots and red beets. I raise, train and show Champion Irish Setters. I have used your products for the past 15 years, and credit them with the vibrant health and glorious coat that our red dogs are famous for."
Amazing results for a very sick dog! We were able to discontinue our Miniature Schnauzer's meds.
d'Vre - Amazon Buyer
August 10, 2015
"After a $1,600 vet bill and multiple prescription medications for gastric and intestinal issues, we were running out of solutions for our very sick miniature schnauzer. She had been ill for a month (GERD, lethargy, & diarrhea), and was showing no improvements. Seeking alternatives to giving her more medications, we turned to the Internet to find other options. That's how we discovered Olewo products and bought a bag of the carrots from Amazon based on the glowing testimonials. After only two meals mixed with the re-hydrated Olewo carrots, our dog began to get better. Today is the third day of mixing the Olewo carrots with her kibble -- there are no signs of GERD and no more diarrhea! We've discontinued the meds, too. Given these results so far, it appears Olewo carrots will be an ongoing part of her diet. Our miniature schnauzer is so much better, and my stress level has been greatly reduced! THANK YOU OLEWO!!!"
Olewo Dog Food Supplements are by far the best products I have ever given to my dogs!
Steve Lausmann
Citrus Heights, CA
"Izzy is 4-1/2 years old and is my star agility dog. She is in the top 5% of all Bearded Collies doing agility nationwide. We trial year round and she eats better than I do which explains why her diet is so important. Izzy receives Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots with each meal and she loves the taste! Olewo supplements are by far the best products that I have ever given to my dogs!"
BOSCO 2010 National Champion Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Cathy Scott
Glenview, IL
"I have now used Olewo Carrots on all my dogs for about 10 years! I depend on the product to add fiber to their diet and shine to their coats. We have 4 breeds in our home (Boston Terrier, Lab, Great Dane and 2 Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs) and they have all seen the benefit of using the Olewo Carrots. I have mentioned this product to numerous breeders and all agree that there is nothing else like it on the market! With litters on the ground, I love sharing my Olewo Carrot product with the new puppy buyers! Thank you for distributing this great product."
Olewo Carrots are truly awesome!!
Brenda Lovett
"I own Quarter horses in Florida and our soil is very poor and lacking nutrients to sustain quality nutrition for my horses. My mare Otoe has been suffering from gastrointestinal upset for more than 3 years. I tried all kinds of supplements to help her stool firm up with only temporary success. My Vet said he would have to perform surgery to see what is causing the problem, but at age 27, I did not want to explore and risk Otoe not having a good recovery. That’s when I found Olewo Carrots and thought I would give it a try because all the other products I had tried were not natural. On the 3rd day Otoe had firm stool for the first time in a long time! Not only does her digestive system remain healthy, but after 90 days I noticed significant improvement in her coat and hooves. Otoe always had soft and crumbly soles on her hooves (top picture), and now the sole is firm (bottom picture after 90 days) and she is not bothered by sand cracks or thrush. Olewo Carrots are truly awesome!!"
Yeager loves Olewo Carrots and his digestive issues are gone.
Janice Foster
Nederland, CO
"Yeager is a rescue from Nebraska and we adopted him with no knowledge of his history. He was very thin, smelled, and had a horrible fur coat. We gave him a bath (probably the first), and then started him on a good diet of nutritious food. He started having digestive issues along with intermittent diarrhea. Shepherds are notorious for digestive issues, so we were not surprised. I started searching on the Internet for possible solutions and came across the Olewo website. I read all the testimonials and thought to myself - what do I have to loose? We started him on Olewo Carrots, and after just 2 days of adding the supplement to his morning and evening meals, what a HUGE difference in his stools! He loves the carrots, and his digestive issues are gone. His fur is thick and glossy and soft. People often comment and ask what I use. We were at a GSD rescue event recently, and the rescue folks could not believe Yeager was the same dog that came to us over 4 years ago, even remarking that he looks younger than when we adopted him. A great testament for your product, Olewo! We are forever grateful. Bark, Bark … from Yeager (his thank you)!"
I love the fact that Olewo carrots and red beets are WHOLE FOODS, and NOT A PILL, and that they provide complete nutrition and bulk for my dogs.
Amy Ruppert
Batavia, Illinois
"Our three Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs get Olewo Red Beets in the morning and Olewo Carrots in the evening. I chose Olewo products proactively instead of reactively. Prior to using Olewo pet food supplements, I used to mix canned pumpkin and green beans in with my dogs' kibble to add both, bulk and extra nutrients. After a shortage that made it impossible to find canned pumpkin several years ago, a friend introduced me to Olewo. I was searching for a complete supplement instead of putting garbage in my dogs' food. My whole initiative is to keep my dogs at their optimal weight, while providing a natural food supplement that offers complete nutrition. I love the fact that Olewo carrots and red beets are whole foods, and not a pill, and that they provide bulk for my dogs. Since introducing Olewo, all my dogs have consistent, excellent health. Their rust colors have a rich copper sheen, and their coasts shine every day thanks to Olewo. My Vet asked me last time I brought them in for their annual exam what my secret was to keeping them so healthy. That's when I pulled out my Olewo samples from my purse!"
George now has the most dense, luxurious coat - even his groomer cannot believe the difference!
Rennie and Bob Finck
Parrish, FL
"We adopted George our Cocker Spaniel from a rescue group on Florida's east coast. About 3 or 4 years of age, George was found by a ranger wandering the Everglades where "dumping dogs" is a heartbreaking but all-too common practice. When we brought George home from the shelter, he was emaciated and his coat was thin and wispy. He also was losing fur on his nose and his face. It was obvious that he must have been on his own in the Everglades for quite some time. George was also suffering from severe diarrhea and terrible flatulence. Despite a well-balanced diet that included a premium, holistic dog food, nothing seemed to help. When I visited my holistic pet food store, they told me about Olewo Carrots. We started adding the supplement to George's kibble that night, and within 2 days his stool was solid! I was absolutely beyond amazed about the improvements and George now has no stomach issues at all. After the success with Olewo Carrots, we decided to add Olewo Red Beets to George's meals as well. George now has the most dense, luxurious coat. It's remarkable how thick his fur has become; even his groomer cannot believe the difference. Amazing!"
The whole Household eats Olewo Carrots and Red Beets
Aviva Mordetsky
"The whole Household eats Olewo Carrots and Red Beets from the 100 lb Dutch Shepherd, 55 lb German Shepherd, 6.8 lb Chihuahua to the 3.5 lb Chihuahua. Their coats have amazing pigment and texture, and they have rock solid digestive systems that handle stress of training, traveling and anything else life throws at them."
Their digestive systems work so well that has made me an Olewo fan.
Carole Frankel
Washington, DC
"My two miniature wirehair dachshunds were both born in France and the breeder got me started on using Olewo Carrots when I got Lola 8 1/2 years ago. I find it incredible that she has never had an intestinal problem, never had diarrhea (touch wood) and I give credit to Olewo for that. When Eva joined us two years ago, of course I also added the rehydrated carrots to both of her meals each day. I feed them dried food, so it is not like I am cooking special food for them. I recently started adding the dehydrated Olewo Red Beets to their mixture and the only other addition I make is fish oil. Sure their coats and skin are good too, but it's the fact that their digestive systems work so well that has made me an Olewo fan."
His coat is nice and shiny (and red!), and his digestion is stable
Faith Love
"We lucked out when we got our puppy -- not just because he's a great dog, but because our breeder introduced us to Olewo! Hagen has had Olewo Carrots in his food nearly every day for 7 years, and his coat is nice and shiny (and red!), and his digestion is stable. On a few occasions when he's been boarded and eaten unfamiliar food, we've been able to steady his stomach again with the rehydrated carrots. Plus, he likes them dried, so they double as treats!"
I have seen great improvement in coat color, and texture, especially in my red aussies.
Betty Jaco
"The Regatta Crew cannot say enough great things about Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots. I have seen great improvement in coat color, and texture, especially in my red aussies. Most of all I believe these products to be a natural way to aid in digestion, and health, no matter what type of food you feed your dogs. Thanks Olewo for offering access to such a great product, and for being a great company to work with."
Truly amazing!!
Sara Alderman
"The picture on the top is Bella on August 10, 2011 (before using Olewo). The picture on the bottom was taken this morning on November 11, 2011. She has been on Olewo Carrots and Olewo Red Beets for only 1 month now. Her coat is smoother and much shinier. Her hooves look better and are stronger. And most of all, she had a problem with her eye a while back and lost her vision in that eye. Well, she is seeing out of the eye again! We had it confirmed by her Vet. It is not perfect vision but she responds to movement. 🙂 Truly amazing!!"
Olewo Red Beets really have cleared up Teddy's allergies and yeast problems
Margaret Burton, Espirit Boxers
Morongo Valley, CA
"We have been using Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots for 10 days now with my Boxers. Just let me say, I am so impressed with the immediate positive results. One of my Boxer boys has had loose stools for 3 years, and we could never get a consistent firm stool with this boy. After 3 days his stools were perfect and have remained so. I am so thrilled! My other boy has allergies and had some yeasty problems on his skin. After just 10 days, the yeasty red color was gone and his skin looks nearly normal. He is scratching a lot less now. The red beets really have cleared up his allergies and yeast problems. Thank you for such a wonderful, gentle and pure product that has helped my dogs so much. I will be keeping my guys on this."
All our dogs have beautiful coats and are in such great shape for their age thanks to Olewo
Tonya & David - Dark Waters Rottweilers
"At Dark Waters Rottweilers, we have been using the Olewo Carrots for a little over 5 years now. All our dogs love it. Everyone who sees our older dogs cannot believe that they are over 7 years old. They all have beautiful coats and are in such great shape for their age. We just love this product. We have also been using Olewo Red Beets with our girls now for a little over two years. Our girls have beautiful coats and a healthy weight during whelp. Plus the puppies have some of the best coats I have seen. Thank you so much for such a wonderful product!"
I am happy to provide my dogs with a natural food supplement that is high in antioxidants.
Bick Benedict
"I have been supplementing my Show line German Shepherds with Olewo Red Beets since they were young. Olewo Red Beets provide great health benefits for my high energy dogs. They stay fit and maintain a suitable weight. People rave about their rich red and black coat colors. I am happy to provide my dogs with a natural food supplement that is high in antioxidants."
Coats are thick and heavy even though they live in the house.
Les Hollander and present NYS Certified Cody
New York
"I have been feeding my German Shepherd service dogs Olewo Carrots for about 15 years. The dogs are extremely healthy and strong even in their elder years. Coats are thick and heavy even though they live in the house. Another important thing is out on the street the stools are solid and very easy to quickly pick up."
Thank you for such an awesome product – one that actually works!!"
Michele Nelson
"Thank you to Dave Ritter for recommending the Olewo Carrots for my two GSD's. I was having a lot of loose poop issues with my male and sometimes my female, but after they were on the carrots twice a day for at least 1 week straight, I noticed a difference. And let me tell you as the one who picks up their stools, it is so much easier when it is formed like it is now since they have been on Olewo Carrots. They also get a little pinch of Olewo Red Beets every day along with their carrots. Plus their coats are extra nice. Thank you for such an awesome product – one that actually works!!"
As a Breeder I have to say there is nothing else on the market that works as well as Olewo!
Susan Justice
Devon Farm, Missouri
"I use Olewo Carrots and Olewo Red Beets on all my dogs & horses! I depend on the product to add fiber & other essential nutrients to their diet and I love the shine on their coats. I have had a new horse on the products for only a month and already I am noticing a glossier coat and her mane and tail look healthier & thicker! Equine & Dogs in our home and on our farm have all seen the benefits of using the Olewo Carrots & Red Beets. I have mentioned this product to many breeders and all agree that there is nothing else like it on the market! With litters on the ground, I love sharing Olewo products with my new 'Extend-A-Dane' families! Thank you for these amazing products."
As a Breeder I share the benefits of Olewo Carrots with everyone
Melissa Pevy. - Danu Danes
"As a breeder and exhibitor of Great Danes, our dogs are always on the go. Utilizing Olewo Carrots, our dogs have firmer stools, easily handle stress of traveling & showing weekly, and are rarely ill despite the multitude of dogs they come in contact with. They have amazing shiny coats which require no additional products. We wean our puppies adding in Olewo Carrots to their kibble to aid in digestion, boost immunity and to naturally worm. We share the benefits of Olewo Carrots with everyone we can and believe every pet owner should add it to their pet’s diet. Consider us the West Coast marketing team!"
My dogs and boarders love Olewo Carrots. Thank you Olewo!
Jamie A.
Sarasota, Florida
"My dogs and boarders love Olewo Carrots. We have a 38 year old horse boarded that had diarrhea really bad. We gave him the Olewo Carrot Chips, and wow – the diarrhea was gone in three days! Another horse had some skin issues and problems with energy. Thanks to Olewo Carrots, the horse is energetic once again. We just love the product. Thank you Olewo!"
Thank you Olewo USA for making these products available!
Heather Duncan
"I believe you only get out of your animals what you put in them and I believe in Olewo Carrot and Olewo Red Beet products! From the time you first start feeding the products, you see consistent, firm stools, increased appetites and increased energy. As the days turn to weeks you can see the benefits on the outside; shiny coats, deepened red colors and darker pigments, coat texture is smooth and silky, and the overall picture of the animals are healthy! I know exactly what my animals are getting in their diet when I feed Olewo products. Thank you Olewo USA for making these products available!"
I am very impressed with your fantastic personalized customer service.
Aishwarya Nadar
"I am very impressed with your fantastic personalized customer service. My show German Shepherds Whiskey & Wiva have never looked better and people constantly compliment their deep red coats. My new female came to me from the breeder 3 months ago and the difference after Olewo Carrots is like night and day. People still don't believe that she is the same Shepherd! Puddi, my Golden/GSD mix loves her Olewo too! When I first brought her home as a puppy, she refused food unless it had Olewo mixed in! I used to mix in one tsp Olewo with salmon oil for each meal. It was the only way to get her to eat. I constantly rave about your product and proudly wear Olewo bumper stickers on both my cars! My rug rats and I are your word of mouth crew in Kentucky!"
As a Breeder I am more than pleased with the results of Olewo
Pepper Riddle - Destiny Great Danes
"Hello, I just wanted to say how pleased I am with the results of the Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots. I show Great Danes and they can sometimes have finicky digestive issues. Having Show dogs, one of who is a veteran, keeping them in top condition and health is my top priority. I am more than pleased with the amazing results I have had in the short time since I started using Olewo products. Thank You!"
Amazing coat and color from feeding Olewo Carrots
Jackie Morgan
Somerset Kennels, Georgia
"I have a small show kennel of Dachshunds and have fed Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots for two years now. My dogs are really reaping the benefits that the Olewo products have to offer. I must tell you that the wire boy, Max did so well in the Dachshund Specialty at the Kentucky show. It was his first time in the ring and he won a five point major. Feeding the carrots really brings out the colors in his coat and he looks the picture of health. My red standard smooth girl is working on her Grand Champion title and she did win some Select points for that. I noticed a breeder/judge from Canada could not stop looking at her. Her color is so bright red and she also looks the picture of health. Thank you Olewo!"
I am so thankful that I found this incredible product!
Kim Noble
"I purchased two Doberman Pinschers from Family Dobes in Utah. Since the breed is prone to cancer and other illnesses, I began feeding Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots daily after being introduced to the products at my local Schutzhund Club. Luna often had soft stools, but that completely went away after starting the carrot pellets. I love the fact that the red beets help remove toxins and metals from their bodies, thus helping to prevent allergies and keep their immune systems in optimal condition. I expect my girls will live long, healthy lives and OLEWO will be a contributing factor! I recommend this product to all my friends who have dogs. I am so thankful that I found this incredible product!"
LOVE this product....will always use it.
Robin Huerta - Team Huerta Hof German Shepherd Dogs
"We have used Olewo Carrots before it was available here in the USA. My first trip to Germany, I found the booth at the German Sieger Show. I bought 2 bags, brought it home and ordered online in Germany until I found a distributer here in the USA. I recommend this product to ALL my friends and puppy buyers. Look at some of our dogs.....they look great, and their skin and coat is healthy. LOVE this product....will always use it."
Lily is doing well now and continues to receive Olewo to make sure she remains in good health.
Brenda Lovett
"I rescued a 3 year old Doberman Lily a few months ago. She was not in the best of health and I found out that she had heartworms. She received a lot of shots and had to go through a lengthy treatment with lots of medications. I was determined to get her healthy again and knew that good nutrition would be important now. She received Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots with her daily meals, and while the carrots improved her digestive health, I feel it was the Olewo Red Beets that played an important role in helping with her recovery. The red beets helped get rid of the toxins in her system from all the medications and helped with her energy. At the very beginning of her treatment she was sleeping most of the time, but after adding the red beets to her diet, she had more energy and was more active. Lily is doing well now and continues to receive Olewo to make sure she remains in good health."
RUSH - 2012 WB/BOW WCK-Olympus’ Rushville Rocket
Melonie Eso - WCK Danes
"As a breeder and exhibitor of Great Danes, I am thrilled with the results I am seeing with adding Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots to my dog’s food. I am seeing shinier, softer coats, and the two dogs that I have with some skin irritations have improved as well in just 2 weeks. Stools are also firmer and my picky eater loves the carrots. With traveling a lot and being around many different dogs, I am happy that the products also help boost their immune system. So many benefits from adding just a couple of tablespoons of Olewo a day. I will definitely be sticking with this product!"
Bowls are licked clean after Olewo!
Airwarya Nadar
"I have been using Olewo Carrots and Olewo Red Beets for about a year now. The difference in my dogs is like day and night! Their coats are now shiny, luxurious and soft. Color and pigment are vibrant. I love the deep reds and dark blacks on my German Shepherds. Olewo also helps regulate the digestive system and their stools are better than ever. No more anal gland or digestive issues. Very simple to prepare and extremely cost effective as well. To top it all off, Olewo is very palatable and the dogs LOVE the taste. Bowls are licked clean after Olewo!"
She loves Olewo and we love the results we see from feeding it!
Jody Turcotte
"We have been feeding our French Lop Doe, Clover, the Olewo Small Animal Mix since we brought her home from the county fair in August of 2011. We give her one scoop on top of her pellets once a day. We can barely get it in her bowl because as we are pouring in the Olewo she is nudging our hand out of the way so she can get to it. Clover is a very big bunny of 12lbs but she is healthy as can be, we have never had a problem with her at all and she is the softest thing you have ever felt. She loves Olewo and we love the results we see from feeding it!"
I find Olewo Red Beets a better alternative for her allergies than medications.
Barbara Hubbard
"I have 3 dogs that love your products! Phantom has had an anal gland issue since he was a puppy. Since putting him on Olewo Carrots his stools firmed up and he doesn’t need to have his anal gland expressed monthly. I am sold on this product! All my dogs get Olewo Red Beets as well. They go crazy for them! The beets help up their energy levels for agility. The beets also help Makenna with her grass mold allergies, she stops chewing her paws. I find Olewo Red Beets a better alternative for her allergies than medications."
Olewo is a staple in our house and with our breeding program!
Alison Burns Woods - Bit-A-Swissy Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
"Our four dogs waiting patiently for their dinner with Olewo Carrots! They love them! We have been feeding Olewo for 3 years. We breed and show, and could not ask for a better supplement to help with their coats, they are shiny and soft. Liberty was fed Olewo Carrots through her pregnancy and raising of her litter, and the puppies were all fed Olewo Carrots as they were weaned. Each puppy heads to their new home with a bag of their own! Olewo is a staple in our house and with our breeding program! Thank you for such a great product."
I attribute Susie’s good heath to this product.
Annalena P.
"When I bought my bunny Susie at the pet store, we were sent home with some sample bags of Olewo Red Beets. I continued to feed it to her because she loves it so much. It wasn’t the same when we ran out for a week once. Susie is almost 2 years old now and very healthy. She doesn’t have any of the problems that some of my friends have with their bunnies. I am glad I was given the samples of Olewo because I attribute Susie’s good heath to this product."
Olewo has been a wonderful addition to my dog's raw diet
Victoria Antonyuk
Asheville, NC
"Thank you Olewo for a great product! I randomly came across it online and decided to give it a try. It's been a wonderful addition to my dog's raw diet, helps him to get the extra nutrition, and he loves the taste. He just had his senior exam (he's 8) and the Vet was impressed with his overall health and appearance."
Griffin is perfectly well now and he LOVES his Olewo!
Nancy Fowkes
Duncansville, PA
"I have to tell you this, my Aussie had skin allergies bad when we were in Florida in the spring. It started to clear up when we went back to Pennsylvania, but then came back with a vengeance. I took him to the Vet and got pills (which I don't use), told me to use fish oil (I give him coconut oil daily) and a spray. Then I found and ordered Olewo Red Beets and Olewo Carrots. Griffin is perfectly well now and he LOVES his Olewo! Thank you so very much."