The Olewo Story
In the 1970's, during an era when natural foods and supplements for pets were not common, a pharmacist in Germany discovered the nutritional advantages and healing powers of carrots while doing research to help cure children who were becoming ill and dying during an epidemic of diarrhea in German orphanages. The children were given carrot soup, which resolved the diarrhea and made them well again.
Around the same time, a Doberman breeder in Germany experienced the same problem with his dogs becoming ill and dying from severe diarrhea. The breeder sought help from the same pharmacist, who after continued research found that carrots would also be the cure for dog diarrhea, but that the carrots would have to be prepared differently to be effective in dogs.
A local vegetable farmer then produced the first dehydrated carrots, which were given to the dogs. Amazingly, the dehydrated carrots resolved the diarrhea in just a short amount of time and made the dogs well again.
Foregoing a new direction toward natural nutrition in the pet food industry, Karl-Heinz OLEschkewitz in WOltersdorf, Germany, continued to produce dehydrated carrots for dogs, which is how Olewo was founded.
For over 40 years now, Olewo has been producing vegetable products prepared especially for pets that are highly nutritious, highly digestible, and highly effective. Â The company's all-natural products have a proven track record to effectively fill nutritional gaps in pet foods to promote overall health and remedy a range of common health issues in pets.
The vegetables are grown on farms specifically dedicated to Olewo. Crops are situated in the flat terrain of Northern Germany known for its extremely fertile soil. Dedicated crops assure that Olewo vegetables are free from toxic pesticides and herbicides. All vegetables grown to produce Olewo pet products are continuously tested and exceed farming standards required for vegetables produced for human consumption.
Throughout growing and harvesting, the vegetables are strictly monitored to determine when the nutrients are at their highest levels. The vegetables are picked and moved to preparation immediately after harvest to assure none of the valuable vitamins and nutrients are lost.
Since 2010, we have been the proud importer and exclusive distributor in the USA for Olewo pet products made in Germany where I was born and raised.
Ina Schielke, Founder Olewo USA, strongly believes that despite increased focus on pet health in recent years, many dogs are not getting optimal nutrient levels, especially when fed commercial foods. Dogs eating commercial food is like people eating fast food, there simply isn't enough nutrition in processed foods to thrive and prevent disease.
With almost two decades of experience in the pet industry, and having owned and operated a small specialty pet store, Petropolis, in downtown Sarasota, Florida, Ina finds it overwhelming how many new products for pet health are continuously being introduced. Â While consumers always tend to hunt for the newest products on the market that promise to resolve their dogs' common health issues, they need to realize that new products are not proven and have no track record.
After discovering Olewo pet food supplements many years ago, which quickly resolved ongoing health issues with our own dogs, we experienced first hand that "new" doesn't always mean "better."
Olewo products were developed more than 40 years ago, longer than most pet product companies have been in business. The all natural pet food supplements are made from super nutritious, premium, non-GMO vegetables cultivated and produced in Germany, and have been proven to effectively fill nutritional gaps in pet food to promote overall health and remedy a range of common health issues in pets. We also learned that the best way to improve our dogs' health is by staying as close to nature as possible.
After promoting Olewo Carrots and Olewo Red Beets at Petropolis, the supplements quickly became the best selling products in our store. When Ina was offered to take over the US distribution of Olewo products, which was handled by a Georgia company 12 years prior, she decided to pursue the new venture and founded Olewo USA in August 2010. She was excited about the opportunity to help improve the quality of pets' lives on a much larger scale than she would have ever been able to do with their small pet store in Sarasota.