General FAQ of all Olewo Products
Olewo products are made in Germany. The vegetables are grown on farms specifically dedicated to Olewo, and the company has been producing dehydrated vegetable products just for pets for well over 40 years now. You can read the Olewo Story how it all started in the 1970's here. We, Olewo USA, are proud to be the importer and distributor for these all-natural and quality pet products. As founder of Olewo USA, I have a strong connection to Germany because it is the country were I was born and raised. I closely work with the Olewo manufacturer and visit Germany regularly. I have walked the fields many times where the vegetables for Olewo pet products are grown.
Your dogs can have one daily dose of each, the Olewo Carrots and Olewo Red Beets, which can be given with one meal or split between two meals.  Most of our customers feed the red beets with one meal and the carrots with the other meal of the day when feeding twice a day. We do the same.  However, you can feed it the way it is most convenient for you as long as you follow the recommended daily dosage. Some of our customers mix and rehydrate the carrots and red beets together, which is perfectly fine as well.
The Olewo manufacturer in Germany does not provide caloric information as it is not required for this product. The product is made from 100% fresh carrots, nothing else, prepared especially for pets to be able to properly digest and absorb the nutrients to benefit their health. Carrots are low in calories and carbohydrates, primarily consisting of water and fiber while packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can greatly benefit a dog's health. The high water content also provides important hydration. The health benefits of our Olewo Carrots make them a popular choice for adding a nutrient-rich topper with fewer calories to a dog's diet.
Yes, it is safe to feed Olewo to pregnant and lactating dogs.  Actually, that is a very important time to feed Olewo to help keep the dogs healthy.  Olewo Red Beets for example contain an excellent amount of folate which is important for normal embryo development. The red beets also keep inflammation down and detoxify naturally which helps ensure good health for lactating dogs.  Olewo Carrots provide digestive support, keep the immune system strong, and protect against infections.  The added nutrition will greatly benefit pregnant and lactating dogs.
Olewo Carrots and Olewo Red Beets can be given to cats for a boost in immunity or to help with common ailments, but only for the short term. Cats are carnivores and the percentage of vegetables in their diet should be very small. Too high of a percentage of vegetables (same applies to cat food) can change the chemical composition within the cat’s body and cause urinary tract issues.
We know of shelters that use Olewo with cats and they say it is the only product that has ever really worked to nurse them back to health. Again, it works great when cats need a nutritional boost, but only use for the short term. You can feed it for a month at a time 2 or 3 times a year, or as needed when your cat has an ailment.
FAQ for Olewo Carrots
The color of the carrots will not always be the same because it is an all-natural product, and nature doesn't work that way. Â Depending on weather conditions and time of harvest, the color of the carrots can vary from season to season. Â We mostly get the bright orange carrot pellets, but at times you may see a lighter yellowish color or a darker brownish color. Â The color variation does not change the effectiveness of the product. Olewo prides itself to produce all-natural products and will never use additives to enhance the color for consistency.
Just like there can be a variation in color with the carrot pellets, there may be differences in how the water is absorbed when rehydrating. Â Should you notice that, simply use less water the next time. Â The amount of water used for rehydration is just a general guideline. Â You should always use the amount of carrot pellets based on your dog's weight as listed on the Daily Feeding Chart, but the amount of water you use can be adjusted to your (your dog's) liking of the final reconstituted mixture.
Upon ingestion, the body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A. Â Therefore, beta-carotene is often referred to as "Vitamin A precursor". Â Dogs convert a percentage of the beta-carotene, and the addition of a small amount of oil helps convert more of the beta-carotene to the beneficial vitamin A, which is a fat soluble vitamin. Many of our customers do not add the oil because the dog's diet includes some amount of fat, and in many cases they already supplement their dog's diet with salmon oil or other fish oil.
The carrot pellets should be rehydrated before adding to the dog's food so all the nutrients can be absorbed for optimal benefits. Most dogs are fed kibble, and dry food is not well digested.  Rehydrated carrots add much needed moisture to the dog's dry food which improves digestion and absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.  It only takes a few minutes to rehydrate the carrot pellets.  We can see in several testimonials that some customers are adding the dry carrot pellets to their dog's food.  They say it works and they are seeing the benefits.  We recommend however to rehydrate the product.  If you are looking for a product that does NOT need to be rehydrated, you may want to give Rootsies Digestive Dog Food Topper from Olewo a try.
Olewo Carrots are meant to be prepared for each meal. The carrot pellets just take a few minutes to rehydrate in some warm water. We know several of our customers make up batches for up to a week ahead of time and keep it in the fridge.  They say it works just fine and they are seeing the benefits. But that is not the recommendation.
Many of the benefits come from the beta-carotene in the carrots, and beta-carotene is sensitive to light, air and moisture. Once the carrots are rehydrated, the beta-carotene is exposed to all.  The carrot mixture doesn't go bad, but the nutrients may diminish.  Olewo Carrots are very rich in beta-carotene and if you kept rehydrated product for a week, it probably would still contain plenty of beta-carotene. However, if you need to make some extra ahead of time, we suggest not to keep it for more than a couple of days.
Your dogs can have one daily dose of each, the Olewo Carrots and Olewo Red Beets, which can be given with one meal or split between two meals.  Most of our customers feed the red beets with one meal and the carrots with the other meal of the day when feeding twice a day. We do the same.  However, you can feed it the way it is most convenient for you as long as you follow the recommended daily dosage. Some of our customers mix and rehydrate the carrots and red beets together, which is perfectly fine as well.
Cooking carrots can cause loss of nutrients and water-soluble vitamins. The carrots you use for cooking more than likely already have a diminished nutrient content because like all root vegetables, carrots start losing nutrients as soon as they come out of the ground at harvest and are exposed to light, air and moisture.
It is also important to note that carrots are only as nutritious as the soil they are grown in. While many soils around the globe are depleted of nutrients, Northern Germany is known for its extremely fertile soils and good farming practices, and that is where the Olewo company grows its own vegetables.
At Olewo, the carrots go directly from harvest to preparation to avoid nutrient loss. The carrots are then prepared especially for dogs and are in the correct form to properly digest, and absorb the nutrients to receive the healthy benefits.
When our dehydrated product is rehydrated in a little warm water, the carrots resemble a fresh food appearance with the nutritional value of freshly harvested carrots.
Olewo has been making these carrots for dogs for almost 50 years. Besides being remarkably effective, the product is also convenient to use and only costs 18 cents to 24 cents a day for a medium dog, depending on which size of bag you are purchasing.
The Olewo manufacturer in Germany does not provide caloric information as it is not required for this product. The product is made from 100% fresh carrots, nothing else, prepared especially for pets to be able to properly digest and absorb the nutrients to benefit their health. Carrots are low in calories and carbohydrates, primarily consisting of water and fiber while packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can greatly benefit a dog's health. The high water content also provides important hydration. The health benefits of our Olewo Carrots make them a popular choice for adding a nutrient-rich topper with fewer calories to a dog's diet.
Yes, it is safe to feed Olewo to pregnant and lactating dogs.  Actually, that is a very important time to feed Olewo to help keep the dogs healthy.  Olewo Red Beets for example contain an excellent amount of folate which is important for normal embryo development. The red beets also keep inflammation down and detoxify naturally which helps ensure good health for lactating dogs.  Olewo Carrots provide digestive support, keep the immune system strong, and protect against infections.  The added nutrition will greatly benefit pregnant and lactating dogs.
Yes, carrots are excellent for dogs because they provide added nutrition to help improve the overall health of dogs so they can be vibrant and thrive. Many of the health-promoting nutrients in carrots are the ones that are often lacking in commercial dog foods, and natural source vitamins are more effective than synthetic vitamins.
Carrots naturally help relieve common ailments such as dog diarrhea, digestive issues in dogs, dull coat and itchy dog skin. They strengthen the immune system to help prevent infections and disease. It is amazing how a little natural nutrition can improve the health of our dogs.
While most dogs enjoy chewing up raw carrots, they will not benefit from the many healthy nutrients because dogs cannot properly digest raw vegetables.
Olewo Carrots are easy to digest because they are properly prepared for dogs to absorb and utilize the amazing nutrition in carrots. Olewo Carrots are made from a special variety of carrot high in beta-carotene and are super nutritious because they are grown in Northern Germany which is known for it's extremely fertile soil.
The carrots are harvested at just the right time when the nutrient levels are at their peak. They go into preparation immediately after harvest to avoid loosing any of the valuable nutrients. Olewo's proprietary method of forming highly nutritious carrots into a pellet form assures maximum capture and preservation of the beneficial vitamins and nutrients.
Yes, Olewo Carrots provide a source of premium fiber, and the naturally occurring ingredients in carrots are very effective against diarrhea in dogs. In most cases after just 2 feedings of Olewo Carrots, the intestinal lining is calmed, resulting in a quick cure from dog diarrhea.
Yes, Olewo Carrots help firm up loose stools when used as a daily dog food supplement. While results can be seen after just a couple of days, Olewo Carrots should be added to the dog's meals daily to maintain a healthy digestive system.
Absolutely, a puppy's diet should be supplemented for a healthy start in life, and an all-natural food supplement is the best choice. The vitamins and minerals in Olewo Carrots help promote bone and tissue growth, and strengthen a puppy's important immune system to help prevent infection and disease, which they are very susceptible to at a young age.
Olewo Carrots also help prevent diarrhea, which is especially important for puppies and young dogs because diarrhea can inhibit their growth.
Olewo Carrots are easy to digest and a puppy's diet can be supplemented after 6 weeks of age, and even earlier in cases of diarrhea and in consultation with a veterinarian. The many breeders using Olewo, wean their puppies by adding Olewo Carrots to their kibble for digestive support, natural deworming, healthy skin & coat, and to boost immunity.
Absolutely, Olewo Carrots benefit dogs of all ages, and older dogs need about twice the normal amount of vitamin A. Olewo Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, and have the extra vitamins and nutrients necessary to support declining immune and digestive systems, and to reinforce and extend vitality and stamina.
Yes, Olewo Carrots are a great natural dewormer because carrots contain a volatile oil that kills worms and parasites naturally, and the carrot fiber helps move the waste out of the intestine.
Olewo Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, and vitamin A is essential for healthy skin and coat. Olewo Carrots also enhance coat color and help improve markings and pigmentation. When used as a daily supplement, Olewo Carrots provide the most amazing coat.
Rehydrate the recommended daily amount of carrot pellets according to body weight of the dog in warm water and some oil added (refer to feeding chart on bag). The amount of water used for re-hydration can be adjusted depending on the preferred consistency of the final reconstituted mixture. Steep for 10 minutes and then mix in with the dog's regular food. Click here for images and step-by-step instruction of How To Prepare Olewo Carrots.
The addition of a small amount of oil (refer to feeding chart on bag) is recommended to help convert more of the beta-carotene to the beneficial vitamin A., but it is optional. Good oils to use are salmon oil, flax seed oil, organic coconut oil, but most kitchen oils will do, even olive oil. Oil should NOT be used when feeding puppy food or high performance dog foods because those foods already have a higher fat content, which is sufficient to aid the beta-carotene to vitamin A conversion.
Olewo Carrots can be added to any dog food whether it is kibble, canned dog food, raw dog food, or home-cooked meals.
Typically Olewo Carrots are mixed in with the dog's regular food, but yes, a re-hydrated portion can be fed separately if desired.
FAQ for Olewo Beets
Yes, red beetroot offers miraculous benefits for the health of dogs that are still not commonly known. Red Beets are a nutritional powerhouse! They are high in nutrients and low in calories, and are among the best foods to add to a dogs' diet to make sure they can enjoy optimal health, be vibrant and thrive.
This is NOT beet pulp! Beet pulp comes from sugar beets and is the by-product of commercial sugar processing. Olewo Red Beets are made from red table beets that are grown for human consumption. Red beets are valued by many people as one of the best sources of healthy nutrients and powerful antioxidants to improve their health, and the benefits of this amazing vegetable can be utilized for the health of our dogs as well.
Red beets are a great natural detoxifier and anti-inflammatory, and help relieve common ailments such as skin allergies in dogs, dog scratching, dog itching, bumps on dogs, dog ear infection, and more. Red beets help boost metabolism and manage weight, and the antioxidant power of red beets helps prevent infections and disease. It is amazing how a little natural nutrition can improve the health of our dogs.
While most dogs enjoy chewing up raw vegetables, they will not benefit from all the healthy nutrients because dogs cannot properly digest raw vegetables.
Olewo Red Beets are easy to digest because they are properly prepared for dogs to absorb and utilize the amazing nutrition in red beets. Olewo Red Beets are made from premium red table beets and are super nutritious because they are grown in Northern Germany which is known for it's extremely fertile soil. The red beets are harvested at just the right time when the nutrient levels are at their peak, and then go to production immediately to avoid loosing any of the valuable vitamins and nutrients.
Yes, Olewo Red Beets help relieve allergies in dogs through natural detoxification and by reducing inflammation when used as a daily dog food supplement. The betalain pigments in red beets effectively neutralize toxins, which are often the cause of allergies in dogs.
Yes, because the detoxification support red beets provide when used as a daily dog food supplement, unwanted toxins which are often the cause of an itching dog, get passed out instead of being re-absorbed in the dog's system. Just like humans, dogs are exposed to external toxins every day, including pollutants, pesticides, fertilizers, household cleaners and other chemicals.
Other sources of toxins include medications such as steroids, antibiotics, vaccines, and even food toxins such as chemical preservatives, additives and coloring.
Yes, a puppy's diet should be supplemented for a healthy start in life, and an all-natural dog food supplement is the best choice. Red Beets provide key nutrients for strong bones, normal tissue growth, healthy heart, and help protect the intestinal barrier with healthy fiber. The strengthen a puppy's important immune system and powerful antioxidant support helps prevent infection and disease, which young dogs are very susceptible to at a young age.
Olewo Red Beets are easy to digest and a puppy's diet can be supplemented after 3 months of age or even sooner. The only reason for introducing Olewo Red Beets a little later than Olewo Carrots is because red beets help speed up metabolism, which could cause some puppies to be overactive if introduced too soon.
Absolutely, Olewo Red Beets benefit dogs of all ages, and older dogs need more than the normal amount of vitamins and nutrients to help extend vitality and stamina. A premium source of fiber is important for older dogs, and the combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in red beets make Olewo Red Beets the ideal dog food supplement to help protect against disease and certain cancers during their senior years.
Olewo Red Beets provide a premium source of fiber and help increase the nutrient absorption and proper digestion of the dog's food. The betaine in red beets helps stimulate the function of liver cells, and with a properly functioning liver, fats are broken down efficiently to maintain a healthy weight.
Yes, red beets have a gamma-amino acid which plays an important role in maintaining efficient metabolism.
Add the recommended daily amount of red beet chips according to the body weight of the dog (refer to feeding chart on bag) to the dog's regular food, either dry or soaked briefly in water. Briefly soaking the red beet chips in water is recommended for better nutrient absorption. Click her for step-by-step instructions on HOW TO FEED OLEWO RED BEETS.
Olewo Red Beets can be added to any dog food whether it is kibble, canned dog food, raw dog food, or home cooked meals.
Typically Olewo Red Beets are mixed in with the dog's regular dog food, but yes, a portion of red beet chips can be fed separately, either dry or moist if desired.
FAQ for Olewo Rootsies
Yes, you can! Olewo Rootsies Digestive Dog food topper consists of all natural non-GMO ingredients like potatoes, carrots, alfalfa, and sunflower oil. All of these are completely safe and nutritious for your dog to consume.